From homeless shelters to municipalities, Mini City is here to better assist, track and innovate for those you serve.
Lack of identification amongst the homeless leads to lack of resources. US tax payers spend $10 Billion annually due to homeless citizens remaining chronically homeless. This cost includes a range of services from ER visits to jail stays. This is inhumane for our homeless citizens and not sustainable for cities. ID alone cannot combat homelessness, but it is the key that can stop the cycle of homelessness.
Mini City unlocks legal forms of identification and life critical benefits for the homeless and homeless care providers. this is smart tech for the homeless and those that serve them.
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Our software obtains legal forms of identification in 2 - 14 days. Prior to working with us, our partner average is 90+ days.
Get up to speed to better assist those in need with our software today, reach out to our team about a free trial today.