Features Overview
You can find our full list of features below. If you would like to see the pricing packages associated with the features, visit our pricing page.
Mini City’s software is housed on an onsite resource tablet. Mini City provides the tablet, which can be accessed by the homeless citizens.
Set up + Installation
This one-time set-up includes the installation of the tablet fully loaded with our software into an anti-theft holder at the site of your choosing. The site must be a part of your organizational structure and indoors.
On-site team training + registration
During the on-boarding process, Mini City will train your staff in the basics of the system and fully register your organization. This ensures the product runs smoothly and your team is fully immersed in our service package.
Birth Certificate Assistance
Homeless citizens can input information to secure a birth certificate from the United States; while one form of identification may seem like enough citizens need at least two forms of identification to rent a home, enroll in school, secure government assistance, and more.
Government Benefits Assistance
Homeless citizens can input information to apply for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, Food Stamps, Emergency Refugee Cash, Grandparents Caring for Grandkids (GRG), Register to Vote and more. For this feature, Mini City prefills out the application and emails it to the caseworker and homeless citizen.
Employment Profile
Homeless citizens can input job descriptions and skills, these can be sent to any employment agencies your organization partners.
Narrative Goals
Narrative Goals are the qualitative data each homeless citizen enters. Each time a homeless citi- zen interacts with the kiosk, the kiosk may also engage with them. Key check-ins determine how much further a homeless citizen is in reaching their yearly goals. This information can help unlock grant and fundraising opportunities.
Outreach Event
Mini City will conduct an outreach event, in which at least two team members will provide assistance to the partner locations with onboarding citizens with identification and benefits assistance.
Tech Support
Our tech support team will respond to any questions you may have in regards to our solution and service— we are here to help.
With this feature, Mini City receives all incoming birth records at our business mailing center, after a record is received we deliver them to the partner location during our regularly scheduled drop offs.
Social Security Card Assistance
Homeless citizens can input information to secure a social security card; while one form of identification may seem like enough, citizens need at least two forms of identification to rent a home, enroll in school, secure government assistance, and more. For this feature, Mini City prefills out the application only and emails it to the caseworker and homeless citizen.
Data Insights
Each Mini City partner that has a Mini City tablet on-site will be given yearly reports relating to the homeless customers served. The data will not include personal information but it will show demographics relating to usage.
Data Insights Plus
Each Mini City partner that has a Mini City tablet on-site will be given data reports that can be utilized to secure additional grants, maintain funding, assess their progress over time or simply to see the scope of their outreach. Each partner is eligible to receive a quarterly data report.